(I'm noticing that in each of the photos taken that day, the person on the left (as we look at the photo) is a bit blurry and out of focus. It must have been the camera since all the shots are that way.)

Evidently, she was unaware we were coming. Maybe she didn't have a phone back then. I distinctly remember Billy knocking at the screen door, hearing Aunt Grace shuffling around, looking in through the screen, and seeing her coming to the door with a shotgun in her hand! She thought we were there to break in her house or something, and she wasn't going to let that happen. Billy and I turned to each other and started screaming, "Aunt Grace, it's Audrey and Zeb's kids! We've come to pick you up to take you to Pigeon Roost!! Aunt Grace, we're Hoyle's grandchildren!" We were petrified!
It took a some convincing, but Aunt Grace finally agreed to get in the car with us and go "over to Hoyle's." As I recall, Billy was driving, and he went really slow down the road, through Banner Elk, and over to Pigeon Roost. I sat in the back seat, not knowing at that point in time whether I was going to laugh out loud or cry!
To this day, Billy and I laugh about our escapade with Aunt Grace. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and passed away, but the memory of that day will be with Billy and me forever.
(Posted by Tanya Shook Wilder)
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