I'm posting information today on my Aunt Pauline since she's been through a recent surgery and is in cardiac rehabilitation in Atlanta, GA. A little over a week ago, she had quadruple by-pass surgery following a heart attack. Just a couple of days ago, she was moved to rehabilitation. Audrey, Linda, Errol, and Billy Rominger have visited her during her illness, and currently her step-children are looking in on her in the rehabilitation center in Atlanta.
The third of the Ruth/Hoyle Shook clan, Pauline completed her RN studies at Grace Memorial Hospital in Banner Elk, NC. Her supervisor, who just happened to be her sister-in-law (Steve Shook), remembers Pauline as a meticulous student who was, at times, painstakingly slow about getting things done.
Just recently, Betty Romano sent me the following memory about when Pauline visited Betty's family in Alcoa, TN. Betty writes, "She came to visit us in Alcoa and brought a bottle of Tigress perfume and a bright red satin long sleeve blouse. She took our bicycle and rode all over Alcoa wearing the red satin blouse and ultra short shorts .... and finally she brought home a fellow ... our minister's son. I think she was still in nursing school, I was still in high school. I had just begun to date a little and she talked me into double dating with her and this fellow. I can't remember what we did that evening but when we came home, she and the fellow sat on our porch swing, and my beau and I sat on the steps and talked. I don't think she said two words that whole night and I really don't remember any more of her visit other than she was always spraying that Tigress perfume on her neck, smelled nice but wow - was it powerful! I remember her being beautiful with her long dark hair blowing in the wind as she kept riding past our house on the bike."
When I talked to Aunt Pauline at Christmas, she sounded fragile and weak, but when I mentioned the family reunion, she said she'd try her best to get there. My hope is that her health will allow her to travel so we can all give her a hug in Matney in July.
(Posted by Tanya Shook Wilder)