Senior Master Sergeant Carroll L. Shook, USAF (Ret.), died at the age of 89 in Tucson, Ariz., on Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009.He was born on June 29, 1919 in Valle Crucis, N.C., to Thomas T. Shook, Sr. and Ada Michael Shook. Mr. Shook graduated from Cove Creek High School in 1938 and enlisted in the Civilian Conservation Corps. After his discharge he returned to his home in Valle Crucis where he worked on his grandparent’s farm and the apple orchard of the Valle Crucis Episcopal Church.In February, 1941, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and began a military career of 31 years active service. After serving in New Guinea and the Philippines during World War II, he rotated to the U.S. in 1945 and enlisted in what was then known as the U.S. Army Air Corps and later the U.S. Air Force. Assignments with these branches of the U.S. military have taken him all over the U.S. and the world including a tour of duty in Vietnam.While stationed in Germany he met Angela Kempf Rapp of Wiesbaden whom he married in 1952 and who preceded him in death after 47 years of marriage. After retiring from the Air Force he went to work for the Northrop Corporation in Saudi Arabia for ten years and returned to Tucson in 1985. There he and his wife settled down and enjoyed camping and fishing in the White Mountains and receiving family and friends who came to visit from all over the world.Although a man of modest means, Carroll gave generously to many worthy causes and organizations. He was a life member of the Air Force Association, the Air Force Sergeants Association, American Legion, the Good Sams, the National Association for Uniformed Services, the National Rifle Association, the North American Fishing Club, the Non-Commissioned Officers Association, the Retired Enlisted Association and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.When asked why he chose military as a career, he said that remembering what it was like to work a small farm in the mountains of North Carolina during the Depression helped him to make up his mind at re-enlistment time.Survivors include his second wife, Elaine Glynn; son, Eric O. Shook; daughter, Monika Griesenbeck; brothers, Thomas F. Shook, Arthur Q. Shook, and Stuart H. Shook; grandson, Peter Griesenbeck; and granddaughters, Tracie Martinsen and Sandra Shook.

NOTE: Uncle Tom sent me this photo of Uncle Carroll shortly after Carroll's death earlier this month. On the back of it, Uncle Carroll had written the following words: "I still get into my old uniform. Angie (who was obviously taking the photo) was trying to make me laugh, and I was trying not to."
(posted by Tanya Shook Wilder)